Devon Daily – May 26, 2024
Carriage Pleasure Drive
Carriage Pleasure Drive
Pleasure Driving Takes Center Stage
May 26, 2024 – Devon, PA – A cherished and time-honored tradition, pleasure driving has been an integral part of the Devon. Every Sunday before Memorial Day spectators line the streets surrounding the Devon Horse Show and Country Fair for one of the great Devon traditions, the annual Carriage Pleasure Drive.

Traversing across 4.5 miles of beautiful countryside, Carriage Pleasure Drive competitors made their way to the Dixon Oval on the first Sunday of Devon. Adorned with holly whips, stunning hats, and impeccable traditional outfits, drivers and their teams guided their horses and ponies around the Dixon Oval, some in century-old carriages, others in modern renditions.

Exhibitors compete in their respective class of the variety offered for each of the horse and pony divisions and are judged on not only turnout, but also how well prepared the carriage and team is in case of emergency or need of repair while out driving. Taking permanent possession of The Orleton Farm Challenge Trophy after winning the Double Harness – Pairs – Tandems class for the fifth time, it was Richard O’Donnell and Spider Paheton. John White added his name to The Third Susan Addis Challenge Trophy for the third time with Roach Coach after toping the Unicorns and Four-In-Hands class of the Horse Division. Harbor Pilot and Aaron Soldarin topped the Single Harness – Two Wheel Vehicles, while the Single Harness – Four Wheel Vehicles and the Jospeh M. Colella Memorial Challenge Trophy went to Brutus and Susan Vail.

At the pinnacle of the driving awards pyramid sits the coveted Championship Drive-Off, a competition between the previous sections winners, awarded to the exhibitor who, in the opinion of the judges, has the best turnout, and the Pleasure Drive Amateur Whip Award, which goes to the Amateur Whip who most exemplifies the traditions of carriage driving at the highest level. This year, The Robert & Virginia Weaver Challenge Trophy was awarded to Spider Paheton and Richard O’Donnell as the winners of the Championship Drive-Off, the team was also crowned the winner of the Pleasure Drive Amateur Whip Award collecting the The Susie S. Buchanan Perpetual Trophy after winning the Double Harness – Pairs – Tandems – The Orleton Farm Challenge Trophy.

Scenes from the Annual Carriage Pleasure Drive